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Shelly Powell
Jan 18, 20201 min read
Happy New Year!
2019 was a year of ups and downs like so many others (our sink leaked for about two or three months, gophers tore up our backyard, and...

Shelly Powell
Dec 29, 20192 min read
NaNoWriMo Conclusions
I didn't finish my novel, but it was a conscious decision. I ended up with 29,000 words by mid- November. I was a little behind in my...

Shelly Powell
Dec 12, 20191 min read
A Poem for Christmas
To celebrate Christmas, I wrote a poem about the Savior. It is not necessarily about His birth, but it is about the light I feel He...

Shelly Powell
Nov 16, 20192 min read
NaNoWriMo Update
Here we are half way through the month! Am I half way through my book? Ahem. Not exactly. Remember how I mentioned in my last post to...

Shelly Powell
Nov 6, 20192 min read
NaNoWriMo Time! I'm Totally In!
Last year, I thought about participating in NaNoWriMo but felt I had too much going on and didn't do it. This year, I still have a lot...

Shelly Powell
Oct 24, 20192 min read
What is it? Sounds like a weird health condition or maybe a rare flower. Or maybe it's when you are paranoid about magnolia's? Nope. It's...

Shelly Powell
Sep 24, 20191 min read
Autumn Poem by me
I have mixed feelings about autumn. In some ways, I love it. The weather is beautiful, and I love fall colors and foods, but knowing it's...

Shelly Powell
Sep 5, 20191 min read
Keep Me in Your Heart (a love poem by me)
Catch me with your smile. Tempt me with your eyes. Walk with me a while. Listen to my sighs. Ponder on my words. Understand my pleas. Let...

Shelly Powell
Aug 28, 20191 min read
To Write (a poem by me)
I ache, I feel, I crave to create, To pull from my soul A truth to share. But the paper is blank. And I stare, I stare. I have things to...

Shelly Powell
Jul 31, 20192 min read
What I've been up to lately
This summer is going by too fast! The good news? I've just wrapped up some work responsibilities that will free up my time until school...
Shelly Powell
Jun 26, 20192 min read
The OCD Train (200 word flash-fiction story)
So I just entered a writing contest on! The challenge is to write a short and sweet, 200 word story about a picture they...
Shelly Powell
Jun 12, 20191 min read
Find me on Pinterest
So I just created an author pinterest account where I will be creating boards featuring images that remind me of scenes from the books I...

Shelly Powell
Jun 4, 20192 min read
What I've Learned About Editing
1. Your first draft is an unpolished gem. That’s how I like to think of it. I can’t tell you how many blogs and vlogs say “Your first...

Shelly Powell
Apr 19, 20192 min read
The First Two Miles are the Hardest
Ready for another running analogy? Yay! I probably love running as much as I love writing. So this past Saturday, I ran eight miles....

Shelly Powell
Apr 11, 20191 min read
Another Free Offer (No strings attached)
Hi all! I just wanted to let you know that Amazon is letting me give my book away for free again on Kindle. So check it out this Friday...

Shelly Powell
Mar 4, 20192 min read
Every Step a Victory!
Do you ever set a goal only to find that forces in the universe conspire to thwart your every effort? The other day, I went to the gym...

Shelly Powell
Jan 2, 20192 min read
Happy 2019!
Another year come and gone and a new year full of potential and opportunity! I just put up my January calendar in the kitchen, and...

Shelly Powell
Nov 30, 20183 min read
Book Review: The Blue Castle by LM Montgomery
Lately, my son has really been into all the Diary of a Wimpy Kid books. We have checked out every single one from the library. My son...

Shelly Powell
Nov 17, 20183 min read
So it's NaNoWriMo
...and I'm not doing it this month. Nope. I know all about it. I've read the story behind how it got started. I've seen writing sprints...

Shelly Powell
Oct 25, 20181 min read
Free Kindle Copy on Halloween!
To celebrate Halloween, I am running a free book promotion on Amazon. My book Gloria the Dancing Witch will be free on kindle on...
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